Q&A with Beverly Nagasako of Phases Hawaii

Beverly Nagasako is the owner of Phases Hawaii, a Hawai‘i-based company specializing in genuine gemstone jewelry handmade in Honolulu. Driven by her love of gemstone jewelry and a desire to share their benefits with others, she created Phases Hawaii with the hope of empowering each wearer.

We asked Beverly about the inspiration behind Phases Hawaii, the most rewarding aspect of starting her own business and how her UH education has translated into her career.

What inspired you to create Phases Hawaii? Did you always know you wanted to start your own business?

I hadn’t always known I wanted to start my own business. The decision to start my own business was driven by my desire to share the benefits of crystals with others in a unique way. I saw an opportunity to create a product that combines the healing properties of gemstones with a fashion-forward aesthetic. Phases Hawaii is a brand that offers gemstone bracelets that not only look great, but also have the potential to improve the wearer's well-being. I believe that wearing crystal bracelets should be an enjoyable, empowering, and fashionable experience.

Tell us about the name of your company—what’s the story behind it?

The name Phases Hawaii was chosen as an allusion to the lunar phases with the idea that just as the moon goes through different stages, so do we in our own lives. I particularly liked the symbolism of the new and full moon. The new moon represents a fresh start and the potential for new beginnings, while the full moon signifies the manifestation of intentions. With Phases Hawaii, I want to evoke feelings of hope and the power to manifest one's aspirations. Each of our crystals have different meanings and healing energies which can act as a constant reminder of your goals and dreams.

What’s been the most rewarding aspect of starting your own business?

Having the ability to be actively involved in my children’s lives while running a business has been incredibly rewarding. With the flexibility to create my own schedule and being in control of my time, has been a huge benefit for me in terms of effectively managing both roles. Additionally, to see my vision come to life creating a brand that is making a positive impact is equally rewarding. 

There’s so much to be learned about gemstones—the various kinds, their properties, etc. What’s something about gemstones that the average person may not know or would be surprised to learn?

Gemstones can hold onto energy, and I like to ensure that they are cleansed before a pop-up event or shipping out. I personally cleanse my gemstones under the light of a full moon or with selenite, which I find to be effective in restoring the energy flow and clarity to the stones.

You received your Bachelor of Science degree in Travel Industry Management. How has your UH education translated into your career?

My background in the luxury hotel industry has showed me the importance of building relationships with my customers. Providing excellent customer service and ensuring each customer has a positive experience is equally important. Through my education at UH combined with my experiences in the hotel industry, it has taught me the importance of attention to detail, offering a product that I am proud to stand behind.

To learn more about Phases Hawaii, visit https://phaseshawaii.com

University of Hawai‘i Alumni