A champion for community health

As CEO of the Hawai‘i Primary Care Association (HPCA), Dr. Robert Hirokawa is a champion for community health. “I believe all people should have access to primary health care,” says Hirokawa.

Initially trained as a chiropractor, alumnus Dr. Robert Hirokawa noticed patterns in his clients’ symptoms. He wondered about the root causes of diseases and why some people got well, while others remained ill.

To further explore his questions, Hirokawa pursued and earned a Master of Public Health (MPH) in 1998 and a Doctorate of Public Health (DrPH) in 2008.

“Through my public health training, I learned that much of what determines our health status is found outside the traditional clinic—from education, jobs, and affordable housing, to community safety and access to healthy food,” says Dr. Hirokawa.

The Hawai‘i Primary Care Association (HPCA) offers and provides technical support to Hawai‘i’s 15 Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs). These community-based clinics provide medical and non-medical services to support people living in vulnerable communities. For example, in addition to medical and mental health care, many FQHCs in Hawai‘i offer translation services, access to legal advice, access to farmer’s markets, and assistance with applications for housing and food stamps.

“Working with Hawai‘i’s FQHCs is inspiring because of their motivation to support the ‘whole health’ of individuals and their communities,” says Dr. Hirokawa. “We believe in nurturing vibrant and healthy communities that work together to transform our health system through partnerships, innovation and teamwork, and ultimately, improve the lives of all Hawai‘i’s people.”

As a former epidemiologist for the Hawai‘i State Department of Health, Dr. Hirokawa also emphasizes the importance of collection and dissemination of data about our health status. HPCA supports FQHCs in collecting performance data, and 10 of the 15 health centers in Hawai‘i have been recognized by the National Committee for Quality Assurance as Patient-Centered Medical Homes.

University of Hawai‘i Alumni